Summary report: The Future of Global Climate Action in the UNFCCC

 The document summarizes the outcomes of an “Online Atelier” on the Future of Global Climate Action (GCA) in the UNFCCC held in May 2020. The objective of the workshop was to build on previous conversations by deepening our collective thinking on how GCA could be strengthened going forward. It feeds into the consultations carried out by the High-level Champions, who were tasked at COP26 with exploring opportunities to improve the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action (MPGCA). This summary covers key aspects of the conversations that took place around:

  • Purpose and value added

  • GCA objectives 2020-2025

  • Functions and activities

  • Organization

  • Outcomes on the road to, and at, COP26

  • Key questions and ongoing challenges

We also note where there is greater consensus, and where points of divergence or open questions remain. Key points of note include the following:

  • The shift to implementation places greater emphasis on action by both Parties and other actors. Action will increasingly be the yardstick by which the value and legitimacy of the UNFCCC process will be judged.

  • GCA is the part of the UNFCCC process that catalyzes and brokers action via collaboration between all actors. GCA should not be thought of as just the realm for non-state or sub-national actors, but as a tool to help all actors enhance action.

  • On the road to COP26 and over the next five years, GCA activities should prioritize catalyzing action, facilitating capacity building and information exchange between Parties and non-Parties, and enhancing reporting and communication, while strengthening the organizational aspects of GCA in sync with the implementation architecture of the Paris Agreement.

Read the full report here.