Designing a global platform for climate actions

Oxford, United Kingdom | July 24 - 25, 2014

Blavatnik School of Government, 10 Merton Street, Oxford OX1 4JJ

Countries are aiming to agree an ambitious and effective climate deal by 2015, though success is far from assured. At the same time, there has been a surge of actions at the sub- and non-state levels, as cities, companies, and other groups forge ahead without a “global deal.”

These “bottom up” actions have enormous potential. Globally, cities account for 70 percent of total emissions, and many are taking action to reduce emissions independently of national governments. Even in countries like the United States, where national action has been blocked by Congress, city- and state-level commitments cover nearly half of US emissions. And the world’s largest 500 companies alone produce 3.6 billion tons of GHG emissions.

This workshop kickstarted the design of a global platform of the actions and commitments that cities, companies, civil society groups, and other sub- and non-state actors are taking to mitigate climate change. Various governments and civil society groups have called for such a registry in the context of the United Nations climate negotiations as a way to galvanize climate action alongside a multilateral treaty. But more clarity was needed regarding the functions the registry would serve and how it can best meet its goals. The workshop convened key observers and policymakers to discuss how a climate platform might be most effective and how the concept could be advanced. 

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